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Hug a Friend Today

October 4, 2012

ImageIn a world where it’s very easy to remove oneself from actual face to face conversations, it a good thing when you find people that encourage that sort of behavior.  My friend Erik Deckers is that sort of person.   Author of ‘The No Bullshit Guide to Social Media’ and ‘Branding Yourself’, he’s a great guy, very helpful and always informed. I received a very nice recommendation from Erik last week.  It made me glad that we make time to meet every so often, as I felt it was very sincere. 

“I first began working with Anessa while she was at Ump-Attire learning about social media marketing. I began working with her, and she picked everything up very quickly. Her efforts and lessons led to the Ump-Attire online community becoming a very engaged community, not only growing the company’s bottom line, but in becoming a supportive community to each other as well.  Anessa was able to harness the power of her community so that the members were supporting each other and teaching each other. The fact that she was able to do this in a matter of a few months is a testament to her hard work and dedication.”

I still meet with Erik regularly and continue to learn from him. If you haven’t bought his books, consider doing so (you can thank me later). Not only does Erik’s approach appeal to me, it is very much in tune with good customer service and plain old business practices.  Everything old is new again. Isn’t that awesome? 

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