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Social Seeds

January 25, 2013


“Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? With sweet re-tweets, loving likes, and pretty blogs posts all in a row.” 

A row Facebook seeds sprouting, a crop of Tweets blooming, and perhaps a blog taking root? Growing your social media presence is similar to cultivating a healthy garden in many ways.

As with anything you want to bear fruit, you’ll need to give it some loving attention and check in often to see if it needs to be managed. In gardening, you get what you give. To produce supportive customers and interested clients you’ll need to tend to your social media, as well. 

When consumers compare businesses online, the one with a healthy social presence and engaged following is generally the one that is considered the safer bet. If a potential customer checked your business out online today, would they be welcomed by a healthy, colorful garden or a barren wasteland?

Social media users today consider peer reviews and customer recommendations more trustworthy than traditional advertising so be sure to address their comments and questions in a timely manner. Reward their engagement and acknowledge them with a quick but genuine response, “Great idea, Bill!” or “Thanks for the feedback, Jane.”

If you’re doing it correctly, even negative comments can be considered beneficial. Left alone, manure is simply a stinking pile of crap. Do nothing about it and eventually you’ll probably step in it. On the other hand, if you can adjust your perspective a little bit and dare to dig in,  you’ll discover it’s actually fertilizer. Difficult people are simply opportunities to practice your dazzling customer service skills. Manure isn’t necessary for a plant to grow, but sometimes it’s exactly what it needs to bloom.

Keep your garden bright and colorful with photos of happy customers using your products, a recent office outing, or the many people that make your company come to life every day. If your feed is nothing but white space, boring text, or sales pitches, folks will stop and smell the roses elsewhere. 

Watering a real garden is the most important task, but how do you water social media? You give it a constant, steady, stream of helpful information, encouraging tips, and engaging conversation. Give your followers what they thirst for while simultaneously fostering an environment for new growth.

It will take a little time to understand your specific climate and identify what works for your business. It’s a balance, but soon you’ll realize what’s required to thrive.

It’s a holistic experience and a journey of discovery. Seeds carried on the wind are really no different than word of mouth recommendations propagating new frontiers for your future endeavors. The more good news you share, the good news about you grows.


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  1. Excellent!!!!

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